Creating a myIR account
To register for myIR, you'll need to create a web logon. Once you're registered, you can get your tax and entitlements sorted online, anytime and anywhere.
You can have a personal myIR account (your IRD number) and a business myIR account (your business IRD number). To register as a business or organisation, you must have a link with the entity you are registering, for example as the director to the company.
To create a personal account:
To create a myIR account you'll need:
your IRD number
your date of birth
your name
an email address.
Tip: If the IRD number is 8 digits long, you'll need to add a 0 to the start of it.
Create your myIR web name
Your web name is what will be displayed on your myIR account.
It is not your myIR user ID and can be different to your legal name.
Activate your account
If you choose to activate your account by text message, IRD will send you an activation code.
If they do not have a mobile number for you, you'll need to ring IRD to activate your account.
Check your email
You will get an email from IRD that tells you what you can do in myIR. This email will also have a link to create a password.
To create a business/organisation account:
To create a myIR account you will need:
the IRD number of the entity you want to register
the entity name
your relationship to the entity
your personal IRD number
your date of birth
your name
an email address.
Your entity can be a company, trust, partnership, school, society or club.
Tip: If the IRD number is 8 digits long, you will need to add a 0 to the start of it.
Create a myIR web name
Your web name is what will be displayed on your myIR account.
It is not your myIR username and can be different to your legal name.
Create a web logon
If you already have a personal web logon, you will be asked if you would like to add access to your business. If you choose not to, you will need to create a separate web logon for your business.
Activate your account
If you choose to activate your account by text message, IRD will send you an activation code.
If IRD do not have a mobile number for you, you'll need to ring IRD to activate your account.
Check your email
You will get an email from IRD that tells you what you can do in myIR. This email will also have a link to create a password.
Adding an additional logon:
You can add an additional logon to your myIR to allow someone else to access your account. You will need the email address of the person you want to add to your account. They will need to login within 30 minutes of creating the additional logon, so make sure they are ready to do this.
Login to myIR
Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Manage additional logons’
Select ‘Add’
Enter the persons email address and select their role, then click ‘Next’
Set the accounts you want the person to be able to access
Select ‘Submit’
The new user will be emailed a link to click on
The user you have added must follow the link and logon within 30 minutes to activate their account